
The Wealth Wingman

July 17, 2023
Paul Roux
Paul Roux

Are you ready to take flight?

Are you ready to take flight?

You can think of the Wealth Wingman as your trusted co-pilot in your finance journey. Every month, Ill provide you with quick updates on the latest happenings in finance and investments. Plus, for all the finance nerds out there, Ill also throw in a short academic segment, just to spice things up.

The monthly newsletter will be just that - monthly. No spam, no nonsense. Just to-the-point, informative, and easy-to-read little golden nuggets to keep you updated and informed.

If you have any suggestions, feedback, or just want to have a chat, Id love to hear from you. You can pop me an email or reach me on WhatsApp @ 0720405437.

Subscribe here: https://advisor.finmeup.co.za

Lets soar together!

Your Wingman

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