
TA Update: Shopify

July 17, 2023

Beautiful: She did exactly what was expected of her

When you combine Technical Analysis (TA) with Fundamental Analysis (FA) you become unstoppable.


With that said, patience is everything in TA. You can sometimes wait months for a chart to set up.


I reported Shopify 2 weeks ago at $643 and told you the big money is playing around the $350 to $400 mark. We are inside that larger area now ($416) and I am locked and loaded to pull the trigger for the swing trade of all swing trades. I understand this business inside out( FA), but overpaying, can never be me. 


Investors are predictable. They are creatures of habit and do the same things over and over again. The charts tell you exactly what they plan on doing. 


Note: If you don't know how to read charts, I will be teaching a Basic TA course later this year. Anyone can do it.



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