
Stocks are crashing, here's what I'm doing.

July 17, 2023

Global markets are hurt. Some of the favourite names of the past 2 years are down 50-70%.

Stock markets have cycles.

  • Bull markets
  • Bear markets

Hype, greed, panic, opportunity. Through all these themes, its important to stay in control of your emotions.

I think many of us, including myself, got used to stocks just go up.

But obviously, that is not the case.

HOWEVER, Im not selling a single share of my high conviction stocks.

If anything, I will sell some of my lower conviction stocks to double down on my high conviction stocks.

Theres definitely a lot of fear & panic in the markets, but that also means theres opportunity.

I think its a perfect time for some Warren Buffet quotes:

  • Its not about timing the market, but about time in the market.
  • Be fearful when others are greedy, be greedy when others are fearful.
  • Price is what you pay, value is what you get.
  • "If you aren't willing to own a stock for ten years, don't even think about owning it for ten minutes."


Currently, I see A LOT of opportunities for long term investors.

Think about it, for some of the companies that have fallen off a cliff, the fundamentals did not change at all.

If you look at the all-time stock market chart, youll see the upward trend. Corrections are normal, recessions happen, but in the long term, trends go up.

Through that upwards trend, theres been wars, bubble bursts, recessions & a lot of panic.

Sure, short term macro aspects play a role in short term stock movements.

But ask yourself, the companies you invest in, where will they be in 10 years time?

Its most likely, that short term panic will be filled with regret in 10 years time.

Within the next 3 weeks, Ill be buying a lot of certain shares. (Especially US stocks)

I will share all my trades & plans on the FinMeUp app.

Remember, in chaos, theres always opportunity.

1 min read
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