

July 17, 2023

Anyone who has ever worked with me, will attest (or make fun) of my insane planning skills

We are going to keep it structured 90% of the time. Look at the monthly planning schedule for categories we will cover.


Videos and articles will be posted throughout the month, ensuring we cover each category without bombarding you with content. Own race, own pace vibes.


If there is any developing market news, I believe you need to know immediately, I will cover it impromptu.


Most of my content will be free. I will reserve only Technical Analysis and certain stock picks for premium subscribers, but everyone will get the free educational articles and videos, always.


I will start covering AUD stocks later this year. I'm focused on the macroeconomic environment of Australia right now. Will move to individual stocks soon after. 


EasyEquities is rolling out GBP and EUR in the next month. I've been investing in those markets for over a decade via other platforms, so watch out when I start posting my watchlist and picks for the North!!!


Let's do this. 2022 is the year we build wealth.

1 min read
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