
Secret to find US Dividend stocks for free

July 17, 2023

There's a lot of factors to take into account when deciding to invest in dividend stocks.

Some of these factors might include:

The Safety of the Dividend will it be cut or reduced?
Consistency of the Dividend will the company pay reliably in the future and what is the past track record of paying dividends?
How much is the actual Dividend i.e. the Dividend yield?
How will the Dividend grow over time?

To combine all these factors to assess a dividend paying company can be challenging, but there is a way to help with the process. Moreover, it's free which should excite potential investors.

https://www.simplysafedividends.com/ allows you to screen for dividend paying companies and you can do this on a 14-day free trail. Better yet, after the 14 days, if you still want to use it you can create another account with a generated email from https://temp-mail.org/.

Simply safe dividends:

The interface is very user friendly and to screen for dividend companies go to "Screener".

There is lots of filters that can be used to screen for dividend paying companies, some examples include:

Dividend Safety (higher score less likely dividend will be cut)
Dividend Growth Streak (you can choose companies that have paid a growing dividend for more than 20 years!)
Dividend Yield 
Latest Dividend Growth (You can choose companies with a "Very Fast" dividend growth rate)
And theres many more options!

Simply safe dividends also have example portfolios to give you ideas under the "More..." section, examples include:

Conservative Retirees Portfolio
Top 20 Stocks Portfolio
Long-Term Growth Portfolio 

If you are serious about dividend investing then this is a great free site.

Happy Dividend Investing!

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