
Revealing my biggest stock market investments

July 17, 2023

Personally, I do not like overdiversification. Here are my top positions and strategy currently.

To kick this off, my biggest position currently is boring old CASH FLOW.

Like I said previously, cash is trash, but cash flow is king.


Cash as an investment, is really bad in my opinion. Inflation is far greater than the growth of cash in the bank.

Cash flow is king, because when there are blood on the streets or new opportunities, investors can capitalise on that by investing liquid cash flow.


Recently, I did buy more shares in my favourite companies. 

My strategy over the next 2 years, is to buy my high conviction stocks gradually.

Nobody knows when the market will bottom, but once again, it is not about timing the market but about time in the market.

So for now, cash is my biggest holding, but I am starting to buy slowly. There could be more downside because of a few reasons:

  • Inflation not slowing down
  • Interest rates rising, so less cash in the system
  • High oil prices
  • General fear
  • and a few more reasons


The markets are usually ahead of the actual economy.

In my opinion, the US markets already priced in a recession, but who knows It can still go lower.


My biggest holdings currently:

US Portfolio:

  • AMD (Massive future growth prediction, attractive valuation, awesome team & innovative products)
  • Tesla (I have covered why Tesla is one of my biggest holdings since 2019. I will continue to hold untill 2030+.
  • SoFi (Love what they are doing, will write a stock pick later this week on them.)
  • Nvidia, Twilio, Deere & Palantir are my other big main holdings. 

JSE Portfolio:

  • Renergen (Helium is a critical resource with massive demand, but supply constraint. Renergen is very high risk. But they are receiving the capital and investments that they need to make it a success. It is high risk, but high risk, high reward. It is one I am willing to take.
  • Santova (Performing incredibly well, wrote a stock pick recently)
  • Prosus (Yes, it has a lot of issues, but they still have quality businesses at an attractive valuation. This is my newest position.
  • I started to nibble in a few other companies as well, but still researching more before I take any big positions. Companies include (Karooooo, Transaction Capital, Capital Appreciation, Merafe and Stadio.


I plan to add more to many of these, as well as new positions over the next few months.

I will share all my new positions, research and opinions on the FinMeUp app.

Stay tuned.

Later this week I will be posting research and insights about either SoFi, Karooooo or Palantir.

(Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, always do your own due diligence. This is my personal opinions and what I am doing with my personal money. Invest safely!)

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