
Renergen Helium Token

July 17, 2023
Anthony Clark
Anthony Clark

Renergen issued US$25m of tokens against physical delivery of helium

Trading is to start in early May on the helium tokens that alternative energy group Renergen sold and continue to sell on their Argonon website

There were three initial offers prices at US$235 up US$275 with a minimum subscription of US$5,000 for some 22 tokens (if you bought at the initial offer price)

Subsequently, they split the tokens 1000 : 1 so if you had 22 units you now have 22,000 units

With the helium market tight as major global suppliers have had shutdowns, explosions or delayed expansion the Renergen helium production is hitting the market at seemingly a sweet spot

As always go do your own research and I provide a link to the original helium token site


Trading starts May 3rd - 4th on BitMart

This is not a recommendation rather an informative post on what has already occurred and updating the date of trading

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