
My Top 3 HIGH CONVICTION stocks for 2023

July 17, 2023
Anthony Clark
Anthony Clark

The three stocks I believe will have a great performance as a basket for 2023

As a small-to-mid cap sector analyst I cover a wide range of stocks in the industrial space

I am lucky enough through my 30-years of sector relationships to get to understand companies well and have the background knowledge to get to know any issues that the market (may) not be fully aware of OR even know as few analyst actually cover the sector in detail and more often than not I am the only analyst covering a swathe of stocks

Three stocks that I own and I have recommended to my institutional clients are Afrimat, Novus Holdings and Sea Harvest

All have attributes which I believe will see good earnings momentum in the next financial year and into 2025

I enclose a detailed 11-page note on my high conviction stocks and the reasons why I chose them and my expectations

As always these are not direct recommendations to this platform and all should do their own research before making any investment decision



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