
My personal stock portfolio update

July 17, 2023

An overview of my JSE and US portfolios



I am curreny the most diversified that I have ever been. 

In the past month, I have added cloud stocks such as MongoDB, Crowdstrike and Snowflake.

It is important to note, that even after a massive pullback, they are still very expensive.

But I just love those businesses.

Google Cloud, AWS & Azure all showed great results recently.

It shows the resilience of cloud businesses generally.

Twilio, MongoDB and the other cloud stocks still need to post their financial results.

If they miss they will fall, if they beat they will rise. Markets are extremely sensitive and volatile.

Personally, Im holding these new cloud stocks for the long term. (5 years+)

As VC funding dries up, the threat of new entrants are also lowered. These businesses are not easy to build (MOAT).

In fact, Im sure many of then are even eyeing acquisitions.


US Holdings

Top tier:

AMD - My personal top semiconductor pick. Posting results tonight. Could possible see momentum from cloud.

Palantir- Will keep a very close eye their earnings. If it is dissapointing, I will likely trim and add to other cloud stocks. Main metric I am looking for is commercial growth, not government.

SoFi- Long term holding, will also keep close eye on results. Last quarter they increased their initial guidance which was a positive sign. Lets see how they deliver.

Tesla- I have written countless times about Tesla. Continuously delivering. It is expensive, but will it ever become cheap?

Twilio- We use Twilio. It is a super sticky product, and we continuously spend more and more. I have recently added more. In their results, I am hoping to see that their losses are narrowing. Will be a key metric.

MongoDB- Amazing product and still lots of potential. Will do a stock pick soon.

Middle Tier:

Cloudflare- Huge TAM, high margins and still showing lots of growth.

Crowdstrike- Incredible company and management. Very sticky business and customers are spending more and more. Cybersecurity is going nowhere!

John Deere- Something different. Play on Agriculture. also trading at an attractive valuation. (PE of 17)

Snowflake- Big data play. Showing huge growth, strong roadmap, great management, Sticky business, high margins.

Sea LTD- Also something different. Geographical diversification into South East Asia. Exciting long term bet on gaming, fintech and econmerce.



My JSE portfolio is more on the high risk side.

Its very concentrated on small caps. So definitely dont copy en paste. (Do your own due diligence)

The past 2 months Ive loaded up on Santova.

My current average purchase price is R6.77. 
Its already up 16% and I am not selling at all.

They are still firing on all cylinders and are still on a low PE.

JSE Holdings

Top Tier:

Santova- Written a Stock Pick recently. 

Renergen- High risk, but if it plays out well it can be high reward. Still lots that need to fall in place, but holding strong.

Stadio- Play on education. Still early days for Stadio, but showing lots of promise. FinMeUp posted a great stock pick on them with lots of insights.


Middle Tier:

Capital Appreciation - Fintech play showing solid growth with blue chip clients. 

Masterdrilling- Holding and holding strong. 

Merafe- waiting for dividends. 



Lots of US companies are posting earnings. I am keeping a close eye on all my holdings, as well as a few others that I dont own yet.

Companies on my watchlist include:

US: Cloud stocks, Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, Meta, Nvidia and a few medium caps.

JSE: Transaction Capital, Karooooo, Super Group, Investec, Discovery, MTN, Shoprite, Naspers.


Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, this is my personal portfolio and strategy, always do your own due diligence)

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