

July 17, 2023

Strong like Iron? Let's see...



Kumba produces high-quality iron ore products that are used in the production of steel, which is a critical component in infrastructure, transport, and manufacturing industries. The company's products are sold both domestically in South Africa and internationally, primarily to customers in Asia and Europe.


One key factor that has historically driven the investment case for Kumba is the demand for iron ore in the global steel industry. Demand for steel tends to be closely tied to global economic growth, and as such, the demand for iron ore can be a leading indicator of economic activity. When economies grow, Kumba does really well and vice versa.


Kumba has a strong position in the iron ore market, with high-quality assets that are well-positioned to benefit from growing demand. The company's flagship Sishen mine is one of the largest and highest-grade iron ore operations in the world, and the company has invested in expanding its operations to maintain its competitive position.


Some of the key risks associated with investing in Kumba include:

  1. The price of iron ore is volatile and subject to fluctuations due to changes in supply and demand, global economic conditions, geopolitical factors, and other factors beyond Kumba's control. This can impact the company's profitability and cash flows.
  2. Mining operations are subject to a variety of risks, including technical problems, equipment failures, natural disasters, and labour disputes. These risks can disrupt production and impact the company's financial performance.
  3. Kumba operates in a highly regulated industry and is subject to a variety of environmental, health and safety, and other regulations. Changes in regulations, or the imposition of new regulations, could increase costs and impact the company's operations.
  4. Kumba operates primarily in South Africa, which has a history of political and social instability. Political unrest, changes in government policies, and other geopolitical factors could impact the company's operations and financial performance.
  5. Financial performance is impacted by fluctuations in the value of the South African rand relative to other currencies, particularly the US dollar. Currency movements can impact the company's revenues, costs, and profitability.
  6. They require significant capital expenditures to maintain and expand its mining operations. If the company is unable to fund these expenditures, it may impact its ability to maintain or grow production levels.



China's economic growth is closely linked to Kumba, as China is the largest consumer of iron ore in the world and is a key market for Kumba's products.


China's rapid economic growth over the past several decades has been fuelled in part by its massive infrastructure spending, which has driven strong demand for steel and other construction materials. Iron ore is a critical input for steel production, and China's growing demand for steel has driven a significant increase in the global demand for iron ore.


As a result, Kumba has become increasingly reliant on China as a key market for its iron ore products. According to the company's most recent annual report, China accounted for approximately 64% of Kumba's total sales volumes in 2021.


The close link between China's economic growth and the demand for iron ore has also contributed to volatility in the iron ore market. When China's economy is growing rapidly, demand for iron ore tends to be strong, which can drive up prices. Conversely, when China's economy is slowing down, demand for iron ore may weaken, which can put downward pressure on prices.


Overall, China's economic growth is a critical factor in the performance of Kumba, as the company's sales volumes and prices are heavily influenced by the demand for iron ore in China.



Mpumi Zikalala was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Kumba with effect from 1 January 2022. Mpumi was a De Beers Group bursar and officially joined De Beers in 2001 as a process engineer. As part of her production journey, she worked on process improvement and plant design projects, she also worked in various leadership roles within production management. She was appointed General Manager at De Beers Kimberley Mines in 2007, becoming the first female General Manager in the De Beers Group. Mpumi holds a BSc in chemical engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand and completed leadership development at the London Business School.


Mpumi is widely respected in the industry for her strategic vision, her strong leadership skills, and her commitment to driving growth and innovation. She is supported by a strong board and executive team.


Disclosure: I own shares in Kumba Iron Ore at the time of writing.


Disclaimer: Nothing in this article should be seen as financial advice. Everything stated is for educational purposes only. Always do your own due diligence.



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