
Investing Tools 3: Four Stock Data Websites You Need

July 17, 2023

Information is power in the right hands


The Motley Fool www.fool.com


The Motley Fool employs over 600 full-time stock analysts. The free content on the website is sufficient for any beginner investor. If you want to level up, I promise the paid content is as premium as it gets. You get a weekly stock suggestion that suits your investing style and risk appetite, accompanied with a full analysis of the company and even a video.


TIKR https://app.tikr.com/


This is my go-to website when I am doing my own research from scratch. TIKR has a global stock screener, to find companies that fits your criteria. You can track investing gurus. It is also sorted by your investing style. The best part of TIKR is, they summarize all company financials from across the world on one website. The free version, you can only get US stocks, but if you upgrade you can get financial statements for every public company on the planet.


I love the Valuation section on TIKR. They already have all the competitors of every company listed on the website, so you never have to wonder who the competitors are for any company ever again.


Yahoo https://finance.yahoo.com/


Yahoo is a one-stop shop, but two things make them superior:

  1. Company News
  2. Graphics instead of tables for those who prefer visuals, I strongly suggest that you use Yahoo Finance


Morningstar https://www.morningstar.com/


I saved the best for last. Morningstar is one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly sites for investors. Many people dont know, but most of the investing apps on their phones pulls the data from Morningstar, so this is the source.


The free option is more than sufficient. Morningstar also gives you competitor information. The comparisons are a bit more extensive than TIKR. If you click on any company name, you will also see the related news for the company. This is my favourite stock data website by a mile.


Happy Investing!!!


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