
Highlights of the day: 6 October

July 17, 2023

FinMeUp highlights of the day


South Africa

Pan African Resources PLC

  • Pan African Resources has completed the transaction to acquire Mogale Gold Proprietary Limited and Mintails SA Soweto Cluster Proprietary Limited.
  • Both Mogale and Mintails are 100% owned by Mintails Mining SA Proprietary Limited, which was placed in provisional liquidation in 2018.
  • The Sale Transaction aggregate cash consideration of ZAR50.0 million.

Life Healthcare Group Holdings Limited- Trading update for the twelve-month period to 30 September 2022

  • Group revenue is expected to grow between 3-6%.
  • Group normalised EBITDA is expected to fall between 0-3%.

Thungela Resources Limited

  • The United National Transport Union has embarked on a strike after a wage deal proposed by Transnet was rejected.
  • The strike commenced on 6 October 2022 and is likely to affect both rail and port services.
  • Thungela can continue operations for another 7 days without using rail.
  • If strikes extend to a two-week period, it would lead to a reduction of up to 300kt of export saleable production.


The U.S.


  • Brazil's antitrust regulator today approved Microsoft's proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard.


  • Costco just reported net sales for September of $21.46 Billion up 10.1% YoY.


  • Amazon is planning to hire 150 000 employees for this upcoming holiday season.

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