
FinMeUp Monthly Newsletter: July

July 17, 2023

Tracking FinMeUp's progress through July 2022.

Welcome to the FinMeUp monthly newsletter! July was quite a busy month. Whilst markets, the Rand, and Ferrari (sigh, Leclerc) were getting weaker, FinMeUp was getting stronger! 

App users

We have reached the 7K mark! Overall, our user base increased from 6298 to 7128 in July. This represents a 13% month-on-month growth rate - a stat that were very proud of. The 10K dream is getting closer and closer every day.  

Social media growth

We have found our rhythm with social media. We have upgraded the quality of our posts on all platforms, with a specific focus on the FinMeUp YouTube channel. We have opted for a warmer, personal look and feel, whilst making general improvements to make the videos slicker than ever before. Do you like what you see? Check it out and let us know!

Mentorship month

The July mentorship programme was a massive success. Overall, 385 mentees signed up for the programme. We have tweaked it a little bit and will run it again in a few months time. 

Top performing posts

  • Using money to make money" Hisa
  • 12 ways to make money in the stock market Higgo
  • Invest like legendary investor Ben Graham David Fourie Stevens
  • Demo ZAR: Income portfolio Soul Financial
  • Saving vs Investing EasyEquities
  • Im young with little to invest. What would you recommend? FinMeUp
  • Hedging your portfolio against inflation Joshua Viljoen
  • 3 Top stocks Higgo and Soul Financial
  • If I had to start a JSE portfolio from scratch, here is how I would invest Higgo
  • Site visit to Renergen Virginia Phase1 Anthony Clark
  • Gross salary vs whats in your bank account Aron Samuels

Thank you!

Lastly, we want to thank every member for engaging with us on social media and on the app. We love what we do, and you can trust that we will keep improving every step of the way. 

All the fixes, upgrades, new ideas, and partnerships are focussed on creating a value-packed application that brings you closer to financial freedom. Onwards and upwards!

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