

July 17, 2023
Anthony Clark
Anthony Clark

Copper just could be the next investment play for ....... ?

The fundamentals for global copper demand are sound

With growing demand from the EV and renewable energy sector it is estimated that demand will exceed supply unless massive investment in made in new production

Then add in China and their insatiable demand and copper (could) play in the years to come

I'd place a fair bet that the South African copper market will be a hunting ground for mid-cap resources company Afrimat in the near term. It is looking to diversify itself from the dominance of iron ore & has spent the last two years expanding and investing in its anthracite & phosphate / vermiculite / rare earths divisions

I see copper as potentially being an interesting area of expansion

Here is a page from this week's UK Investors Chronicle - a solid  reputable source of retail information I have been reading for 40 years. Hope it gives some background colour




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