
Comment on Poultry Sector

July 17, 2023
Anthony Clark
Anthony Clark

Update on impacts to poultry sector from soft commodities, Eskom & Astral Foods

I anticipated the terrible Astral Foods trading update for its March H1the writing was on the hen house floor months ago

Some respite will come from lower input costs but make no doubt the eggs & poultry sector currently is bloody awful & they are running around like headless chickens

All companies are in the same boat & some sector players are cutting prices to try & shift excess inventory. Not good for market leader Astral Foods who has its own problems

The share slumped on the H1 update then rallied BUT the sector specific problems remain & with Eskom still loadshedding, an inability to raise prices from a constrained consumer, higher food price inflation coming due to loadshedding costs the puff the Astral share price has gained is premature in my opinion



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