
Biotech Longshots Monthly Update

July 17, 2023
Wiko Steyn
Wiko Steyn

A review of our Biotech Longshots Portfolio.

Biotech Longshots Monthly Update

We will start again by warning our readers that all the companies in this portfolio have extremely high levels of risk associated with them. These stocks should typically account for less than 5% of your total investment portfolio and risk-averse investors should not even consider any of these stocks. We have a great passion for early-stage biotech companies, but we are managing our risk by only allocating $2000 to this account. 

Biotech Longshots aims to give exposure to the most exciting developments during this golden age of biotechnology. As always with these biotech companies, there is no guarantee that their products will even make it to market, but if they are successful, the upside potential is massive. Some people might view these investments as gambling, but we disagree, if you do your due diligence and never succumb to the hype or FOMO, they can definitely be a part of your investment strategy. After all, investing is all about the balance of risk and reward.       

Our favourite themes in this sector are AI Drug Discovery, Proteomics, Synthetic Biology, Cell Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. We recently did a deep dive into Synthetic Biology, feel free to read our two articles Can We Engineer Life Itself? and Synthetic Biology as an Investment if you are interested in this revolutionary technology. 

As expected this portfolio is already experiencing massive volatility and we don't see this ending any time soon. The $2000 dollars in this account represents less than 3% of our total investing portfolio. All our positions are fully allocated in this portfolio.



This is not financial advice and only the opinions of the author. This article is not a research report and is not intended to serve as the basis for any investment decision. All investments involve risk and the past performance of a financial product does not guarantee future returns. Investors have to conduct their own research before conducting any transaction. There is always the risk of losing parts or all of your money when you invest in securities or other financial products. Investing in biotech is extremely risky. The $2K is not real money and only a demonstration of a typical portfolio.  


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