
An ETF for each EasyEquities account

July 17, 2023

In this fun exercise I will share what ETF I would've bought if I had to choose only one ETF per SA, TFSA and US EasyEquities account. Note that this is not investment advice.

For each account, I assume I have the same amount of money. Practically, it might be better to only invest in the SA account or the TFSA account due to extra exchange rate fees.

SA account:

Because I will have offshore exposure in my other accounts, I would've focused on local ETFs. For me, the best ETF is still SATRIX40 because of the low fees, and with this product, you get access to the 40 biggest companies listed on the JSE.

TFSA account:

Of the three investment accounts, this is the one with the longest time horizon given its tax free status. So, I would've focused on an ETF that would give me the least amount of sleepless nights. So, my choice would be the CoreShares Total World Stock ETF as it gives you exposure to more than 9000 stocks!

Here's an article on this strategy:


US account:

Finally, in my US account I would go with Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF (SCHD). This ETF gives you exposure to established dividend growth companies. So with this ETF, you get a blend of income and growth. Moreover, although there is a focus on dividends, the ETF has actually outperformed the SP500.

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