
Agri Equip sales info & soft commodities update

July 17, 2023
Anthony Clark
Anthony Clark

A brief review of the August agricultural sales data & soft commodity market

You may think this information is rather boring but as a good analyst you have to keep a strong eye on the levers that move underlying stocks

In my food and agricultural sector the data points on the movements of key soft commodities like maize, wheat & soya have a profound impact on input costs to food producers like Tiger Brands, Astral Foods and the such

The same is true with the monthly sales data for capital equipment sales, tractors and combine harvesters. You may think boring but its critical to gauge the health of the farming sector and their balance sheets. If they are spending on capex then they are doing pretty well and the businesses that support them in the sector like Kaap Agri, Senwes and TWK must also be doing as well

So, here is my latest note for knowledge building on these two key sector drivers I use on a daily and monthly basis




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