
5 Free Stock Resources

July 17, 2023

To investigate stocks can seem like a daunting task at the start of your investing journey. However, there are free resources available to the everyday investor which should help in identifying stocks to invest in.

Here's a list of 5 free resources compiled by Brad Kaellner


1. Value Investors Club

I've talked about this resource before and how to access more content for free.


Only curated investment ideas make it onto the website. Famous investors like Michael Burry and Mohnish Pabrai have submitted their investment ideas on here. So, getting a glimpse of how they think about investment opportunities are quite invaluable.

2. Dataroma 

Dataroma is valuable in that you can view what stocks superinvestors have recently bought and sold. In addition to this, you can search for individual stocks to see if any of the superinvestors have it in their portfolio and you can also view which stocks are most commonly held by superinvestors.

3. Openinsider

Openinsider allows you to track insider transactions. This is to see whether owners or important people in the company are buying company stock. The rationale being that if they buy it, it might signal positive developments within the company. A potential favourable scenario might be one where the share price is down a lot, but the insiders are still buying.

4. MOI Weekly Newsletter 

This investment newsletter is emailed every week on a Saturday with loads of resources.

5. SEC Website

SEC is the securities and exchange commission, a regulatory agency that tries to govern the US markets. On the website you will be able to dig into who actually owns the company. Openinsider gives you insider transaction details whereas the SEC website allows you to view who these insiders are which is quite valuable.

The video below talks about these 5 free resources:


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